Achieving a desired goal is an accomplishment that is a worthwhile endeavor. Creating the proper environment around you is the initial step that you would take you to reach milestones. When you start thinking about a target you want to achieve, it helps if you first start by focusing on your own personal development. This eBook helps guide you in addition to giving you a framework for getting started. Our eBooks are referred to as Forms because along with the other tools we provide, structure is given in how to obtain success in your pursuits. Proper goals setting, focus, proper relationships, habits and thought processes our among the subjects covered in this first edition of 1626 A guide to personal development. This initial work is thin description that becomes more impactful and meaningful when combined with the symbols and other Forms available in our library. The author Derick Ferguson is a sociologist trained to approach problems from naturalistic, critical and interpretive paradigms. Rest assured you are getting a resource for your toolkit. Download and purchase this Form on its own or gain access to our full library in the members section of the website.